GFC Photograph Posting Policy
As per the Office of the Australian Information Commissioner, consent is not required by Gordon Football Club to collect image of identifiable individuals unless the image records sensitive information about the individual. Read here for more
However, anyone taking photos for use by Gordon Football Club must take reasonable steps to make sure the individual is aware of the following:
· who you are and how they can contact you
· how, when and from where the images are being taken
· if the collection of the images is required or authorised by law
· what you are taking their image for
· if there are any consequences for them if you don’t collect their image
· any other organisations or people with whom you usually share personal information
· how they can get access to it later, and
· whether you are likely to send the images overseas.
Generally speaking, individuals are sensitive to photographs and video of them being published, particularly on the web, and so it is good practice to seek their express consent after telling them, in as much detail as possible, about what their picture will be used for and who will be able to see it.